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is a Fast-paced Action Roguelike game.
Fight Hordes of Monsters and Bosses.
Survive, Level Up, Upgrade Attributes and Skills.

-Latest version available on Steam-


This game currently in early stage, so we would like to invite the community to develop this game with us. Join our Discord to give us your feedback and suggestion!

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(41 total ratings)
Tags2D, Bullet Hell, Co-op, Pixel Art, Roguelike, Singleplayer, Top down shooter, upgrades
Average sessionA few minutes
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

TinyChaos_v.0.5.6 - Windows.zip 45 MB
TinyChaos_v.0.5.6 - Linux.zip 38 MB
TinyChaos_v.0.5.6 - Mac.zip 57 MB

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Did I  cook?

Where can we find the 0.7.3 version advertised in-game? O_o

Hi densch, we only support steam version right now. There is also higher version demo on steam. 

honestly a great game made an account on itch just to comment, feel like the upgrades could be reworked to make them correspond with their prices better


You don't get much coin from each stage, if at all, and the upgrade prices kept soaring despite the meager increases. The roguelike upgrades are also very insignificant, leading to easy death and consequently very little gain.

This game is very slow and grindy.

Yo Fav Game rn but i rly wish it could get an update on itch.io instead of steam. on another note this is one of my highest attack speeds currently


I've pretty much just started playing this but it's a really fun and cool game! especially when you have berserk when using the knight


this game is amazing, fun and balanced.

I've been playing it for a while now and having so much fun.

I move with my controller and dodge with the space bar on the keyboard which makes it kinda uncomfortable. NEEDS TO IMPLEMENT DUAL CONTROLLERS ASAP

Hi Ahmed, we actually have a controller support on our steam version!

why not here haha? they're both free

I think because the Steam version is a demo version of 0.6

because we actually released the game on Steam and it's available for purchase since 28th March

there is 20% discount for the first week, and there is Steam key giveaways on our social media

(1 edit)

Great game can't wait to buy it at full release. 

However thing I noticed having the multishot, berserker's blood, and chain combo absolutely tanks the fps at higher attack speeds when the chain combo kicks in. I've only done this on the knight, but I'd assume it would be even worse on the solider or the archer due to the projectiles.

Which sucks cause its one of my favorite builds when I can get it set up.

Hi chervial, it's probably because of the coins dropping
the steam version shouldn't have this issue anymore

Hi chervial, our game is released on Steam now with 20% discount until 4th April, we also got Steam keys giveaway on our social media

I got to the boss fight at the end of the first level on medium. Is was taking way too long so I got bored and gave up.

Hi Daniel, it's recommended to restarting if your build isn't strong enough


This is literaly a copy of nimrods


it is not

Just your usual Friday

Hi Luke, check out the latest demo on Steam! 


Couldn't open in linux, this message pops up when opened in terminal

[UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config

This game is really fun, but I can't make any progress in the game if I can't run it on my machine

I have some ideas for a type of skill called "hero skills" which are like ranged-only skills but only work for one hero and only appear when you using that hero. here are some ideas

Frenzy dash:(Rare) (Can only be used by soldier): When frenzy is active gain some temporary stamina.

Longblade:(Rare) (Can only be used by Knight): Increase the range of your attack but decrease speed

Berserk: (Legendary) (Can only be used by Soldier): Frenzy's cooldown is decreased by 10 seconds

Hi Barley, come join our discord server
i have share the latest version patch notes there, we got new feature called weapon evo where every character have their own unique upgrades. For example soldier weapon evo Lv. 5 reduce Frenzy cooldown by 50%, Knight Lv.1-4 will increase Proto Barrier HP multiplier by 5% / Lvl

nice, do I have to download it? also, was the patch made before or after the comment I made?

only few selected people from our Discord server got to test the alpha version, and weapon evo already was planned since months ago. But i recently update it to make weapon evo more worth it after receive some feedback from the alpha tester and i actually make Knight have chance to proc Long Slash on the weapon evo.

(1 edit)

the archer seems to be very bad since it is a single target guy but this is a horde game so the knight is very good at what the archer cant do :)


Hello Rigby, archer is kinda late game carry :D she need to build up some stats and upgrades before starting to annihilate the enemies

I was having trouble with  the medium difficulty boss and was wondering if you could give me any tips on how to beat it.

- Find a character that suits your way of playing.

- Don't be afraid to dodge roll in the middle of enemies because dodge roll gives you a little invulnerable time, you can do that 2x or more.

- try to upgrade from shop

 can y'all rate my build for archer(btw great game)

Your roll deals 3k damage and your shots freeze the enemy? 

I do crit builds mostly for now. 40-60% crit and usually stacking up crit damage to 300-700%

If I would have to list the best upgrades then it is probably:

Tier I: berserkers blood, exploding arrow they are the two best upgrades in the game hands down I think

Tier II: is probably ricochet, demonic pact, double edge and panic frenzy, chain combo, quickdraw magazine (for not warrior)

Tier III: Sniper, Machine Gun, Multishot

magnet upgrade is its own special thing


thanks, I will definitely try that out 

Soldier can be a bit annoying as you got zero aoe without upgrades

since the second loot rarity upgrade I get higher stats much easier.

This run was comfy

Not a fan of the 3 roll upgrades from the achievement. They reduced my power and I have to spend rerolls to get rid of them constantly. There are around 2-3 upgrades which can make the playthrough a breeze and the roll upgrades make it less likely to get them. 


Hi Dave, thank you for the feedback

since those are ones of the earliest upgrade that we made maybe that feels a bit underwhelming and we will adjust or revamp it in the future version

Good day!
Excellent, very exciting game.  
Completed with all three heroes at all difficulty levels.  
But it’s not interesting to play further due to the poor balance of the Cost of improvements and the amount of money earned in battle.  
Also, it is very annoying to not be able to play until the hero is maxed out - the level ends with a bonus level and the game ends.  
I prey you - make the amount of money earned greater, and the cost of improvements - 10 times less, otherwise there is no point in them.  
Make it possible to play in survival mode.  
And the main question - 
Every day I check if there are any updates to the version with other levels... 
Can you indicate the timing of the game update?  
Thank you for your good work!

Hello Dhenaro, thanks for playing our game!
For the upgrade shop it should been reserved for further stages where you can gain more gold and we should have been limit the upgrades for the demo.
Yes, we limit the game playtime so the player not stuck for too long on 1 run. We might implement survival mode if there's enough people demand for it .
For the itch we don't update it anymore since we do a major rewrite in the game code also implementing new features and things got broken, but in around 2 weeks time we will hand out a trial for the latest version on our Discord. 
If you have anything to ask feel free to join our Discord server!

How do you unlock/use the 3rd character?

Hi supercoolpro, you need to clear stage 1 in hard difficulty to unlock the Archer

How do you get local co-op to work?

Hello Mila, you just need to press 1 player button above stage selection and it will change to 2 player mode

 mine's just a white screen wut do i do

Hi Aiden, are you using the web version or downloaded version


i cent downloaded it

so what is the problem with the download?

The ability to build-craft in this game is amazing, and I've played it many times over, and being able to share the build after the run is great thanks to the comments, I honestly hope that this game gets a community for it just like a lot of other games have

Thank you so much for the feedback Luke! 

We actually have a Discord server and we are active there, so if you wanna talk to us you can just hop to our Discord

How do you unlock the third character? I first thought it was the archmage in achevment when I saw that is is in the data base.

Hi Xanman, you need to clear stage 1 in hard difficulty to unlock the Archer

Thank you

Don't mind my ability power


Deleted 1 year ago

Very good game, but deleted all my progress at one point ):

Hi Saftiger, is it the download version or the web version?
if it's the web version of the game we don't really know how the save works there

It was the web version,  so I understand. I am still going to play the game, when it releases on steam (:.

(1 edit)

good game

Hi Kizuru, Thank you :

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My average soldier build

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Damage go haha funny

Hi Deathmaster, have you tried exploding bullet with ricochet yet?

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Yes, I have in fact tried it out, but I personally prefer multi shot and sniper on top of exploding bullet and ricochet, it is a really good build in my opinion especially if your damage is high.

My standard build for soldier

Hi GlitchLuke, let's go try other unique build :D

Still trying to get ricochet with triple shot on archer, idk if it's a bug but the purple arrow will split into 2 when it hits an enemy with ricochet

yeah it is a things, ricochet spawning a luster burst while the first one keep going.

(1 edit)

average berserker build

For the latest version we already adjust some special upgrade to balance things out

just a little bit of balancing (i killed the hard boss in less than 3 seconds)

Hehe, I did a little bit of dmg too xD
(Now I know why the 4th character is hidden for now ;) )

Yes, it is still incomplete and have no balance at all

I was just wondering is it possible to get the 4th character?

hello tacoman, ther 4th character is not available right now
the demo only got 3 playable character, we will add more character for each new stage

(1 edit)

I found a glitch where you could play the 4th character. if you select multiplayer and pick the miner (4th character) with one and something you have unlocked with the other you can play it. ( it only works if you have the locked character as the first player and the unlocked as the second eg. P1 = miner P2 = knight)

Hi minishrek, thank you for notifying us about that

The miner in the demo version is incomplete character without proper ability and stats balance that is why we locked the character 

yes just getting a few atk speed upgrades made even the hard mode a walk in the park for the miner definitely going to need to do some balancing there 

I have been playing this game and i wanted to see how broken it could get. Is there any way to manipulate coins so that you can get obscene amounts. I fully understand if there isn't but I was just looking for a way to break the game

Hi Jar! Manipulating coins would provide an unfair advantage over other players who are genuinely collecting coins through repeated play and unlocking achievements. Therefore, we cannot assist you in that matter.

I completed the first location (Meadow?) on Hard difficulty with the Archer. I liked the Knight but it was very hard to play the Goblin boss. Even if I played carefully, it took a very long time and I got bored and died. Soldier is great, good all around. Helpful for learning and facing new things. Archer is still my favorite, though because I love the Skill Amp synergy and developing her movement speed (more fun than perfect positioning, in a way). By the time I had exploding arrows and 430% skill amp and some pretty high damage (close to 100) I just got the healing dodge, beefed up her stamina and exploded everything to the end. 

This game is wonderful. I feel that the Goblin boss takes a long time to defeat. However I understand it is also basically the end game at the moment. Maybe it's good to taste the patience.

I look forward to new characters and locations. For now, I just unlocked a ton of stuff with achievements, but I stayed up too late just to beat the game so far! I'm going to play more tomorrow.

hello Stephen, thank you for sharing us your impression for our game that's really means a lot to us
come join our discord server if you want to chat with us, feel free to ask and we also share some of our progress and future plan there

If you pick the knight focus on high hp and get berserker blood, then focus on attack speed and damage from there



I'll currently wait for it to get more content.
grinding the same level for 5 minutes each time, to scrap peanuts together for the shop jsut isnt entertaining enough right now


Hello densch, are you only play on easy difficuly? on the demo we have 3 difficulties level.
Easy only giving you 2 special upgrade on the whole playthroug, while from Medium you can get up to 8 special upgrade from chest.

There's also upgrades that can be unlocked with achievement

I currently only see easy and medium,  is hard unlocked when you beat medium?

Will try playing through medium next.
yep, the achievements are obvious but most are pretty hard to achieve right now

what's skill amp doing?

nie game, very enjoyable, jsut hate that the game uses ESC key but also the browser uses clicking and esc key to turn fullscreen on and off.
so when you want to pause in game and press esc, it rather goes out of fullscreen , game still unpaused.
and you have to press esc again to actually pause.
or be dead cause you didnt react fast enough:-)


Sorry for the inconvenience, we are currently improving the game control so that it can support controllers, we are aware of the problem with the esc key but did not have time to fix this because we are preparing the full version, if you are not comfortable with this I suggest maybe playing the download version.

Upon playing further, I gotta mention these:
The pricesfor upgrades are quite harsh, aren't they?
Like in the easy level, at the end I am usually at like 36 base damage if I went for damage mostly.and the very first shop damage upgrade costs 500 coins and adds 1 damage.
next upgrade?
also adds 1 damage but already costs 1000.
likely also all consecutive upgrades will give +1 damage
but costs might double each time or at least increase significantly.

and let me be real:
to get the 500 coins for the cheapest upgrade, took me already 2 5 minute games.

and not to mention that this is the damage stat alone.
for all the other like 15 stats or things, you can buy upgrades too...

basically, shop too expensive, or at least I really dont like the scaling.

make it a flat +1100 coin cost per upgrade or something.

also, even though I dont know if you would even wanna change it or if that aint exactly why its a roguelike in the first place:

I would prefer if the game didnt jsut cut you off after 5 minutes flat no matter what but would rather jsut simply end with your death.

So as you "git gud"er and also buy more upgrades from the shop, you can directly see that you now reached the pruple wave of enemies.
or got further and lasted longer.

I dont know, maybe jsut me.

anyways, the shop costs is a thing.

oh and obviously explanation for skill amplification and such things are needed.
I did the tutorial but it jsut said the 3 things you could isntantly figure out:
rol with space, shoot automatically.
and one other obvious thing I dont remember anymore.


Thanks for the feedback, yes we currently do not provide more tutorials and explanations for the demo, but in the future we have plans to add to the database.

For shop prices we plan to increase the gold earned when playing higher stages and harder difficulties, for demos we don't provide that yet and shop prices are currently still in the experimental stage.

so what DOES Skill amplification do? :-)

Every special upgrade such as ricochet, exploding bullet, drone and others, even the skills of knights and archers use a percentage of amp skills.

For more details you can see the description of each special upgrade in the database

(1 edit)

Upgraded from 0.54 to 0.55. My upgrades, level progress, and character unlocks are intact, but my achievements and database reset. Is there a proper way to upgrade versions without losing this progress? Thank you.

We apologize for the inconvenience, we are currently investigating the data loss issue. If we may know what OS are you using?

Windows 10

could you please tell me the details of the missing data? like gold, shop upgrades or achievements etc.

Intact: 3rd character unlocked, stage difficulties unlocked, purchased upgrades. Lost: achievements and associated database unlocks (i.e. archmage, killer drone, etc.)

We have fixed the saving system in version 0.5.6, hopefully it can run properly :D

I like the game very much, but it seems a bit laggy or sluggish at the moment

thank you!
we still working to improve the game

attack speed is otp


This is only my subjective outlook and my opinion regarding to your game but I'll do my best to give your game a feedback.

Well pretty polished juicy bare-bone game. Kill mobs, earn coins, get an upgrade and repeat. It seems the game focused more into upgrade feature rather than the actual gameplay itself. The mobs randomly spawns and aimlessly goes towards the player and it is very overwhelming especially if boss mobs entered the ring. Using knight is easy however, using soldier is pretty difficult. It's very frustrating if my shooting type character was not aiming at harder mobs. Furthermore, It is difficult if I couldn't control where my shooting character aims. Moreover I get overwhelmed of how many enemies they are from time to time. Also it is very frustrating if I was using "Soldier" and I wanted to get the coins dropped from the ground and suddenly the battalion of mobs blocking my way even "space" wouldn't save me in that situation. If you are planning to stay on that shooting feature, I suggest you should add bullet hell feature on your shooting-type character where the bullets spread across the area which makes the game even balanced if your character aims at different mob, as balanced as the knight character.

I was planning to try 2 player mode on your game because it was seem fun if I use both soldier and knight, a shooter and a tank. However, where is the confirm control for the player-2??

When I was playing on stage 1, I was VERY FRUSTRATED on why I couldn't even confirm my next abilities for my player-2

I was stuck in this situation that I couldn't even continue playing the game.

Well, that is my feedback for now and I'm looking forward for progress in this game. Anyways, other than that, I've enjoy the game, especially the sprites are fascinating! Good job on anime portraits for the characters. :D

Looking forward for next updates!

bro wrote a whole poem💀

Oh that explains why me slowly getting this micro upgrade for attack reload and movementspeed and damage wasnt remotely keeping up with the enemies getting better in all aspects while I couldnt even keeping up with one!
Cause I was playing soldier which is the hero chosen by default (if you jsut mindlessly "accept" everything, like I do when I dont care about as which chick I play)

so yeah, played soldier will try knight next

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